Getting Help

The pro-life movement is dedicated to sharing a message of hope and offering real assistance to women facing untimely pregnancy, as well as to women and men who are dealing with the painful aftermath of abortion. The information provided below is some of the most critical information a pro-lifer may have to offer.

Where Can a Woman Get Help with an Untimely Pregnancy?

Pregnancy resource centers (PRCs) nationwide provide free services, including confidential counseling, help dealing with family problems, medical care, housing assistance, and job placement assistance. They also provide free maternity and baby clothes, diapers, and baby furniture. Two national organizations can help women find local PRCs:

National Life Center Help Line

Phone: 800-848-LOVE


Option Line

Phone: 800-395-HELP


Pregnancy resource centers are always in need of donations of money, baby items and volunteer time, providing an ideal opportunity for those who care about needy mothers and their children to take action on their behalf.

Where Can a Woman Find Out About Placing Her Baby for Adoption?

Many of the pregnancy resource centers that can be reached through the national referral organizations listed above can also offer women help placing their babies for adoption. In addition:

Bethany Christian Services specializes in adoptions.

Phone: 800-BETHANY


Catholic Charities can help women place their babies for adoption, regardless of their religious affiliation.

Phone: 703-549-1390


Where Can Women Get Help Dealing with the Pain of Abortion?

Dealing with the aftermath of abortion can be extremely painful. Several resources are available to help.

Project Rachel is a nationwide network for individual post-abortion counseling.

Phone: 800-5WE-CARE


Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries provides weekend retreats for women to facilitate post-abortion healing.

Phone: 877-467-3463


Silent No More offers women the opportunity to speak out about their abortion experiences and help other women to avoid the suffering they have experienced.

Phone: 800-707-6635


Is Help Available for Men Who Have Been Involved with Abortion?

It is not only women who suffer from the aftermath of abortion. The abortion experience can be very painful for men as well, and help is available.

Men’s Abortion Recovery (MARC ) Ministries offers outreach to men suffering with the aftermath of abortion.

Phone: 610-384-3210

Fatherhood Forever Foundation seeks to help men hurt by abortion through a program of awareness, inspiration and healing.


Men and Abortion Network (MAN ) helps men locate a local counselor for dealing with the pain of abortion.


In addition, the book Men and Abortion: A Path to Healing by C.T. Coyle is an excellent resource for men involved with abortion.

Where Can Parents get Help Dealing with a Poor Prenatal Diagnosis?

Finding out that the baby they are expecting will be born with special needs is one of the most difficult experiences parents can face. But they are not alone.

Other parents who have faced this painful situation—including pressure from doctors and others to abort the child—are there to help at Parents whose unborn babies have been diagnosed with Down Syndrome can find specific help at

Sharing the Pro-Life Message. Chicago: Pro-Life Action League, 2009. Print.