It may surprise you to learn that many of those who are pro-choice actually concede that abortion takes away an innocent life.
However, they believe that taking away young lives can be justified by “the greater good” that allegedly comes from allowing legal abortion.
By this, they mean to say that making abortions illegal will only make them unsafe. Aside from a greater risk of harm to the mother, unsafe/ illegal abortions will also lead to
– Losses in Productivity
– An Economic Burden on Public Health Systems
– Stigmatization of the Women Who Obtain Them
– Long-Term Health Problems (Ex: Infertility)
These points are all very true. However, let’s examine them a bit more closely.
First, it should be noted that most of these things are merely symptoms of the real problem – that women are being subjected to abortions at all.
As has been noted elsewhere, abortions are an inherently dangerous procedure. There is no such thing as a “safe abortion.”
Second, the issue of stigmatization is a more complex matter. When someone knowingly takes the life of another, or commits any other crime against another person, it is not surprising that there will be a negative social reaction within the community.
However, it is very important to realize that oftentimes the women receiving abortions are every bit as much victims as the babies who have had their lives ended. This is because the abortion industry has been so successful in making women falsely believe that they have no other options, that the preborn baby is not alive, and that abortion carries no risk.
One of the key roadblocks to actually help women is the distortion machine that is the abortion industry. Once you can get past the smoke they create, it is easy to see that the problem is not unsafe abortions, the problem is abortions.
[1] World Health Organization. (2011). “Prevention of Unsafe Abortion.” World Health Organization: Regional Office for Africa . World Health Organization, 2011. Web. 25 Jun 2011.
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