Abortion: The Real Danger to the Life of the Mother

Women, Pregnant, Abortion, Childbirth, Risks, Danger, Life of the Mother

The maternal death rate from abortion is almost three times higher than the death rate from childbirth [1].

This makes it clear that in addition to hurting the baby, abortion can have immediate, detrimental health effects on women.

As with any surgery, abortion carries significant risk. This risk can be in the form of both immediate and long-term complications. Abortion is an especially high-risk procedure, with women who choose it facing the possibilities of hemorrhaging and infection as a direct result of abortion, in addition to numerous other health complications.

In light of this, it may surprise you to learn that some of these clinics even have fewer regulations than some optometry or dentist’s offices, or any other surgical outpatient center [2]. What this means is that in cases of emergency, patients might not be able to be immediately helped by professional medical personnel.

In fact, many abortion clinics have been fighting legislative efforts to make clinics safer for women. While they publicly claim they are supporters of women and their rights, their actions suggest that they have other priorities they consider to be far more important. Making the changes to improve patient safety would be quite costly and affect their profits [3].

In contrast, childbirth is a natural phenomenon that has been proven to have positive effects for the health of women. The evidence is clear: childbirth is by far the safer option for women [4].



[1] LifeSiteNews. (2004). “Study: Maternal Death Rate From Legal Abortions Three Times Higher than from Childbirth.” http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/archive/ldn/2004/mar/04030801

[2] Ibid

[3] American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois. (2011). “VOTE NO ON HB 3156 (Senger)
Ambulatory Surgical Treatment Centers.” http://www.aclu-il.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/HB-3156-fact-sheet.pdf

[4] Jones, Evangeline. (2010).”Abortion is Safer than Childbirth? Studies Show Abortion More Risky for Women.” LifeSiteNews. http://www.lifenews.com/2010/03/31/int-1496/

Image from www.wdtprs.com

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