Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice: Who Stands up for Women?

Death Rate, Women, Abortion, Side Effects, Impact, Negative, Risks, Danger, Pro-Choice

Those who are pro-choice often describe pro-lifers as being anti-woman. They claim that unintended pregnancies can destroy a woman’s life, but abortions can improve them.

Is this true? Does having an abortion improve a woman’s life?

According to a 2003 study, the overall death rate of women rises 3.5 times after an abortion.[1] Causes of death included suicide and accidents. In fact, suicide rates in this population were “6 times higher compared to women who gave birth” and “2 times higher compared to women who miscarried”[2].

Is induced abortion the direct cause of these suicides?

According to the NCIB, abortion does appear to be the primary factor leading to increased risk [3]. A deterioration in mental health may result from abortion, but a prior history of poor mental health does not appear to make a woman any more likely to seek an abortion.

In contrast to the claim that abortions are some type of cure-all procedure, the reality is that it often presents a grave danger to the life of the woman. Instead of making it easier to obtain abortions, the best way to help these women is to provide them with greater resources and knowledge.

Although some have tried to label the pro-life movement as hateful, intolerant, and anti-woman, nothing could be further from the truth. These adjectives do not befit any but a very small minority of the pro-life movement.

In fact, those most active in the pro-life movement are often at the forefront of efforts to help women recover from their abortions. One such example of this is the Elliot Institute, under the direction of Dr. David Reardon. A key tenet of its mission is to promote healing for those who have undergone abortions [4]. This is achieved in part by helping post-abortive men and women share their experiences with others.

There is no doubt that those who are pro-choice and those who are pro-life both want what is best for women. That being said, it has become clear which side is actually achieving their goal.



[1] Gissler, Mika., Berg, Cynthia.,Bouvier-Colle, Marie-Helene., and Buekens, Pierre. (2005). “Injury deaths, suicides and homicides associated with pregnancy, Finland 1987–2000.” European Journal of Public Health. 15.5 (2005): 459-463.

[2] Ibid

[3] Morgan, Christopher., Evans, Marc., and Peters, John. (1997). “Letters – Suicides After Pregnancy.” National Center for Biotechnology Information. National Center for Biotechnology Information, 1997. Web. 18 Jun 2011.

[4] Elliot Institute. (2003). “Our Mission & Ministry.” Elliot Institute. N.p., 2003. Web. 18 Jun 2011.


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