Perhaps one of the most heartbreaking things that each of us could ever hear is that a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer.
Not only can this news seem like a virtual death sentence, it can also mean a long, extended period of suffering in an effort to be rid of the cancer.
Cancer is extremely prevalent in America. Some textbooks have cited it as the second leading cause of death among adults, surpassed only by cardiovascular disease [1].
However, what these leading causes of death lists do not mention is something has caused over 53 million deaths since 1973 and will continue to responsible for many more unless we take action; this cause of death is abortion.
It should be noted that abortion itself has even been found to increase women’s risk of developing cancer [2].
While there are many things that individuals may do in their lives to lessen their risks of developing either cancer or heart disease, there is unfortunately nothing than the innocent, unborn child can realistically do to prevent his or her own life from being taken away.
The responsibility to protect and defend the lives of the innocent unborn lies solely with us.
[1] Hoeger, Werner W.K., Turner, Lori W., and Hafen, BrentQ. (2007). Wellness: Guidelines for a Healthy Lifestyle. 4th ed. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth, 2007. 315. Print.
[2] Daling, Janet., Malone, Kathleen E., Voigt, Lynda F., White, Emily, and Weiss, Noel S. (1994). “Risk of Breast Cancer Among Young Women: Relationship to Induced Abortion.” Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 86.21 (1994): 1584-1592. Print.
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