While a clear majority of Americans believe abortion is morally wrong and should not be allowed in all or most circumstances [1], some have argued that abortion is less wrong if it is done earlier in the pregnancy.
By this same logic, taking the life of a 4 year old is less wrong than taking the life of a 35 year old.
Unfortunately for those who are pro-choice, the logic is absurd and does not work in either case.
Those who are pro-choice can point out the fact that only 1.5% of all abortions occur in the 21st week or later [2].
However, abortions that are committed early and those that are committed late both result in death of a living human.
In both cases, the woman is put at greater risk of being physically or psychologically harmed by the abortion procedure [3].
It is for these reasons that abortion is always the wrong answer, and there are always better options.
[1] Saad, Lydia. (2011).“Americans Still Split Along “Pro-Choice,” “Pro-Life” Lines.”Gallup, 23 May 2011. Web. 1 Jun 2011. http://www.gallup.com/poll/147734/Americans-Split-
[2] Guttmacher Institute. (2011). “Facts on Induced Abortion in the United States .”Guttmacher Institute, May 2011. Web. 12 Jun 2011. http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/fb_induced_abortion.html
[3] Elliot Institute. (1997). “A List of Major Sequelae of Abortion.” Elliot Institute, 1997. Web. 13 Jun 2011. http://www.abortionfacts.com/reardon/effect_of_abortion.asp
Image from www.momaroo.com
Thank you for fighting for life. Years ago I was pro-choice. It is through our Lord Jesus Christ, that I now understand the truth that God knows us even before we are ever conceived. Now I see.
Humble before Him,
Daniel Smith