Many people would agree that sexual abuse is one of the most traumatic types of harm that a person can experience.
Because of this, it should not be a surprise that every state in America has created laws that require health professionals to report “sexual abuse of minors, including statutory rape” [1].
In addition to this, Title X healthcare facilities are required to follow state criminal reporting laws.
However, there can sometimes be a very big difference between what the laws say and what actually happens.
Unfortunately, there is a great deal of evidence to suggest that many facilities are not following reporting instances of abuse, but instead covering them up.
In one undercover operation, a woman posing as a 13 year old minor involved in a relationship with a 22 year old male called hundreds of abortion clinics to see how they would respond.
A shocking 91% of these clinics suggested that the girl either lie about her partner’s age or not mention it at all when in the clinic [2].
While we may never be able to bring a complete end to sexual abuse, simply providing stronger enforcement of reporting laws could do much to deter sexual predators.
[1] Americans United for Life. (2008). Defending Life 2008. 3rd ed. Chicago, Il: Americans United for Life, 2008. Print.
[2] Ibid
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