In America today, by a 24 point margin (61 – 37%), a clear majority of Americans share the pro-life view that abortions are morally wrong and should be illegal in most or all instances [1].
Despite the progress that has been made in spreading the pro-life message, there is still much left to be done.
However, in order to do this, pro-life advocates must hone their strategies in spreading the pro-life message, both personally and professionally.
When communicating with women who are considering abortion, it is most important to show genuine love, compassion, and respect for them and the situation they are going through.
Research reveals that hearing even once voice supporting a woman continuing on with the pregnancy can cause many women considering abortion to instead choose life.
When advocating the case for life in a public setting, the message can be much more political.
In these debates, it is important to never be too defensive. The pro-life view is shared by a majority of Americans, and the facts are on our side. It would be very hard to understate the importance of confidence in spreading the pro-life message.
The only thing standing in the way of the average person to becoming an effective pro-life advocate is developing a passion for protecting the unborn, becoming fully informed about research pertaining to life issues, and developing an effective way to convey that message.
The opportunity to save lives and bring change is available to us all, are you ready to take action?
[1] Saad, Lydia. (2011).“Americans Still Split Along “Pro-Choice,” “Pro-Life” Lines.”Gallup, 23 May 2011. Web. 1 Jun 2011.
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