Fertilization vs. Implantation–What’s the Difference?

Fertilization, Implantation, Difference, Pregnancy, Development, Abortion, Pro-Life, Pro-Choice

While spreading the basic message of valuing human life at all stages is very important, it is also important to educate people more deeply on issues of life.

For example, there are many people who do not understand the difference between the processes of fertilization and implantation.

This is often because abortion advocates conflate the two in order to confuse people on when life begins.

First, it should be noted that fertilization and implantation are two of the first major events during fetal development.

But what is the difference?

Fertilization, also often referred to as conception, is when the sperm enters the egg. This is the point at which the mother’s genes in the egg (or ovum) and the father’s genes in the sperm combine to create all the genes for this new individual [1]. At this point, a completely unique new human being is created.

Implantation is when the new human created at fertilization implants in the uterus. The newly created offspring, technically referred to as a blastocyst, travels to the uterus through the fallopian tube and implants in the wall of the uterus. It will stay there until birth, this is where most of the growth and development of the unborn occurs [2].

Although a preborn human life does not look like an adult human at the point of fertilization or implantation, this does not change the fact that the preborn human fetus is a living member of the human race at every stage in his or her development.

In order to truly respect and value human life, we must do so throughout a human’s entire life, not just during the points at which we decide arbitrarily.

These lives may not have the capability to defend themselves, but this does not mean that we should allow their lives to be taken so freely.



[1] Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital & Research Center. (2011). “Fertilization and Implantation.” DMHRC,

[2] Ibid


Image from www.serg.lv

“Little Emperor Syndrome” And Abortion

Little Emperor Syndrome, Abortion, Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, One-Child Policy

Abortion has profoundly impacted entire generations of young people, especially in countries in Asia.

In China, for example, there is a one-child policy. This has forced many children to grow up alone, without any siblings.

Oftentimes, this results in the parents and grandparents pouring their attention and money into this only child.

This can cause the child to have difficulty in interacting with others.

These children have not had to deal with hardship, nor do they appreciate their circumstances of affluence.

They have inflated egos and have to deal with parents’ high expectations, especially in regards to their education.

These “little emperors” are also forced to learn manners and morals in order to be more prepared to take on the business world [1].

The family dynamic of the country has been profoundly skewed by abortion and birth control.

Not only are these little boys’ lives affected in these ways, but they also struggle to find wives. There’s a reason we’re talking about boys here. That’s because sex-selective abortion, gendercide or female infanticide is also very common in China.

Eventually, families with only one or few children may become problematic because of the limited number of children to take care of elderly parents and grandparents.

This is just one more way in which abortion can harm society.



[1] Mullen, Mark. China’s ‘Little Emperor’s’ Learn Morals, Manners. (2008).


Image from www.pbmo.wordpress.com

A Constant Reminder: PTSD and Abortion

Women, Abortion, Traumatic, Stress, PTSD

“Abortion is a traumatic stressor, capable of causing PTSD symptoms” [1].

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental condition that is triggered by a terrifying event. PTSD has many symptoms: severe anxiety, nightmares, and even flashbacks. The recommended treatment for this is either psychotherapy or medicine [2].

Oftentimes, women do not get the proper counseling before or after receiving an abortion and their abortion affects them in many different ways. For these women the primary symptom of PTSD is reoccurring memories [3]. Women who have PTSD from undergoing abortions have flashbacks involving their preborn child [4]. They serve as a constant reminder of what they did. Eventually this takes a toll on them.

65% of women who have undergone abortions report symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, which they attribute to their abortions [5]. This was shown in a study that compared women from the U.S and women from Russia. The women in this survey voiced that they did not feel as if they got adequate counseling before they committed the abortion.

The symptoms in this study were separated into 3 different categories: Avoidance, Re-Experience and Arousal. The re-experience symptoms have the greatest percentage of sufferers [6]:

· 30% Nightmares

· 47% Unwanted memories of the abortion

· 30% Preoccupied with abortion

· 46% Flashbacks

· 65% experienced more than one symptom of re-experience.

Other studies have shown that abortion increases risk for depression.

Women who undergo abortions and develop PTSD suffer in many different ways and the memories of the abortion often affect them throughout their whole life. These women could have been better prepared for this risk if they were better counseled. Like a soldier in war, they had no clue that this would affect their life in such a great way.



[1] VM Rue et. al. (2004). “Induced abortion and traumatic stress: A preliminary comparison of American and Russian women,” Medical Science Monitor 10(10): SR5-16 (2004)

[2] Mayo Clinic. (2011). “Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).” Mayo Clinic, 8 Apr 2011. Web. 13 Jun 2011.

[3] VM Rue et. al. 2004

[4] Ibid

[5] Ibid

[6] Ibid


Image from thedailybeast.com

Why Are YOU Pro-Life?

Everyone has a slightly different way of expressing why they are pro-life.  Maybe you survived abortion?  Maybe you’ve had an abortion and regretted it? Maybe a friend has been touched by abortion? Maybe a sibling was aborted? Maybe you just clearly see the scientific facts?

What ever it is, we want to hear from you!

Click here to give your reasons for being pro-life and to read others’.

Video: I’m Pro-Life Ask Me Why!

One of the best ways that you can help spread the movement is to talk about it.

Talking about abortion is very important.

It normalizes what is usually a taboo subject. It allows people to stop approaching it out of a place of fear of social awkwardness and start approaching it with reason.

Most of the time, reason isn’t used when talking about abortion.

The conversation is generally driven by emotions.

So, what can you do?

Be proud of your pro-life stance! Tell people that you’re pro-life and let them ask you why.

Then explain it calmly.

That is one of the best things you can do to spread the message!